issue #81 - the 'I'll see you soon' one

So, I have news...

I’m writing a book! I can’t share much more until the press release comes out, but I am extremely excited about it and terrified at the prospect of writing 40,000 words in less than two months.

I will be writing and researching and interviewing nonstop, so I’m turning #5SmartReads over to my incredible group of contributors - including this editor’s letter and book & product recommendations. I’m very excited to read what they have to share, and I hope you are as well.

If you’re new here - welcome! This is what #5SmartReads is all about, and I’m so excited to have you here.

A special thanks to a few women who have brought so many new faces here:

  • Kate Lemere is a powerhouse and actually makes me want to do a bootcamp class. Her website is full of so much wisdom on fitness, health (INCLUDING mental health), and she’s a joy to follow on Instagram.

  • Jenn Falik has been influencing me for over a decade now - everything from Dyson stands to the best kids’ sneakers to a jewelry company I love so much I invested in it. Her newsletter is GOLD - go sign up.

  • My friend Paula is the kind of friend every woman needs - she’s funny, kind, and will make you laugh so hard that you forget what you were pissed off about. Give her a follow on Instagram.

If you love #5SmartReads and want to share it, you can create your referral link here! You’ll have my undying love, shoutouts in future newsletters, and complimentary access to the daily #5SmartReads newsletter.

I’ll still be sharing stuff on Instagram when I’m procrastinating writing, so follow me there. I’ll miss you!

What we read this week


  • The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris - I am re-reading this book with Post-Its and highlights and pens for my book research, but I find myself even more inspired by Vice President-Elect Harris and her incredible story. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend you do.

  • Mediocre by Ijeoma Oluo - this is one of the best books I’ve read this year, but also one of the hardest books to get through. I had to read it in brief sections because the truths Oluo revealed just pissed me off and I needed to cool off before picking it up again. But we can do hard things, so please read this book and make everyone you know read it too.

  • Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty - I've really taken my time with this one but loved the applicable lessons and habits to help make life less of a struggle and understand the whys a bit better.

The Top 5

The Catch Up

Monday (curated by Emma Cárdenas)





Things we love this week


Have a wonderful weekend!



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