issue #52 - the ‘do nothing’ one

My skin is NOT in good shape.

It looks…okay. But it feels both dry and greasy and as if I have a sunburn, when I don’t.

COVID is partly to blame, of course. And so am I.

I swapped in some new products without properly testing them or slowly introducing them. I jumped from exfoliating to deep hydration back-to-back, over-moisturized at times, and basically put my poor face and neck through the ringer.

On Thursday, I just stopped.

I made a telehealth appointment with my dermatologist. I jumped straight in with my symptoms, the products I’ve been using, and how badly I wanted to scratch my entire face off.

Her diagnosis? “Just stop.”

“Don’t do anything. Rinse your face with lukewarm water every morning and night. And for the next few days, don’t do anything else.”

Do nothing.

That’s the one thing I haven’t been doing while sheltering in place. I’ve jumped from a conference call to a home schooling session. I’ve fed Rhaki lunch while updating a spreadsheet for work. I’ve answered Instagram DMs while Rho jumps on my back wanting to play Dragon Masters with me. I have to read a journal article at least three times and with a blank notebook page in front of me in order to make sense of it, with the Homer app blaring in the background.

I’ve always been doing something. And that hasn’t helped much of anything.

It’s far easier to do nothing with my skin than in my life. But when Rho declared “I don’t want to do ANYTHING!” for the bazillionth time during this pandemic, I listened.

We sat on the couch. He asked some questions. I answered. We sat some more.

Doing nothing isn't easy. My face itches and I'm tempted to slather it in SOMETHING to give it some relief. Rho fidgets and wiggles on my lap, trying to get comfortable. And I can't help but think about the many things I could be doing in that very moment, and resisting the urge to get up and grab my phone or laptop or notebook to quickly do something.

But the more you do it, the easier it gets. The urge to massage hyaluronic acid onto my face has lessened. Once Rho finds a comfortable spot, he's still and I take comfort in feeling the rhythm of his breathing. And while I'll never be able to quiet the running to-do list that constantly runs in my mind, I don't obsess over it the way I used to.

Do nothing. Even if it's just for a few seconds. Just do nothing.

If this is your first e-mail from me, welcome! In addition to writing the book How To Pack, I'm an entrepreneur and angel investor, an avid reader, and a mom of two boys (a 5 year old and a 10 month old).

Every Saturday, I share the 25 best reads from the Internet (culled from the daily shares on my Instagram), the books I've read that week, and things I'm generally loving at the moment. You can join the conversation on all these articles - and more! - in my Facebook group.

Looking for my packing list template? Here you go!

#ThingsILove This Week

  • So proud of my publisher (and amazing editor) for helping create Family Meal, a cookbook created to support the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation. The recipes look incredible and the cause is vitally important.

  • Rom Com Pods is launching SO soon, and their trailer is already up on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe! Give it an early 5 star review because Becca is the best.

  • My skin has taken a beating in the past couple of months. My face feels dry, my pores clogged, and my texture is just ugh. While I’m giving my skin a break from everything for the next couple of days, I do have some products that I hope will get it back to normal. I plan to start with this squalene serum (lightweight but deeply hydrating) with the massager function of this PMD tool. If that works, I’ll start using go-to exfoliating mask for just a few minutes. A vitamin C serum will be next, and I’ll test this tinted SPF before going all in on it.

  • My newest obsession is MasterClass. I watch the videos when I'm needlepointing. I watch them when I'm hiding in the bathroom or in the car. I watch them on the rare occasion I wake up early and I'm not ready to get out of bed yet. I binged Doris Kearns Goodwin's class on US presidential history and leadership, and I'm just getting started with Diane von Furstenburg's class.

  • The Weekly Ritual is a new favorite newsletter of mine, and I'm thrilled to be featured in tomorrow's Mother's Day edition. Sign up to get a peek at the rituals (both COVID and non-COVID) that keep me going all day and most nights.

  • Blair’s latest collection with Nordstrom just released, and it is GOOD. I ordered this dress (in both prints) and this button down shirt. If I didn’t own a nearly identical version of this dress, I would have ordered it. It’s one of those hero items you can dress up and down with ease.

  • I'm so proud of my friend Joanna for launching two courses on brand and social media. She walks the walk - her content is honest and engaging, and she's one of the few content creators that I follow everywhere - blogInstagramPinterest, and Twitter (where we tag each other in the latest Gritty memes). If you're thinking about starting a business or looking to grow your skills in brand building and social media, definitely sign up for her courses. You can get 15% off with code FRIENDSOFJOJO.

  • This might be the strongest Book Of The Month selections I’ve seen yet. I received The Book Of Longings from the publisher directly, but would definitely pick it up here if you haven’t yet. I picked The Boyfriend Project and added Happy & You Know It as an add-on. Now if I could find more time to read...

What I read this week

  • The Betrothed - there’s something grounding and comforting about a favorite author’s new book, especially when you didn’t sleep for 3 straight nights to finish reading her first series. The Bethrothed is very different than The Selection, but has Cass’ signature love triangles, hidden feelings, excellent world building, and curveballs you don’t see coming. While I did like America more than I did Lady Hollis, I did thoroughly enjoy this book.

  • Team Of Five: The Presidents’ Club In The Age Of Trump - I literally squealed when this book arrived 2 weeks early. Presidential history is one of my favorite fields to study, and we are definitely living in historic times. Ever since Trump was elected, I kept thinking about The Presidents Club and wondered how Trump would fit in this historic fraternity, and Brower's book offers a deeply satisfying peek into the one of the most powerful club and how it’s forever changed.

I’m building outmy Bookshop store, which will house all my favorite books in all the categories. Please consider purchasing your books code HITHA for 3 free books when you start a membership) to support independent bookstores!

Hitha’s Favorite Things

  • is my favorite audiobook app (it credits your favorite independent bookstore with the sale). Use code HITHA to get 3 audiobooks for the price of 1 when you create a monthly membership. You can find my favorite audiobooks here.

  • This is the only book club I’m a member of

  • my Amazon shop

  • my favorite vitamins (both their pre-natal and their essential one for women). Use code HITHA for 10% off your first 3 months.

  • CBD has been a lifesaver for me. Get 20% off your first order with code HITHA.

  • my favorite produce delivery company that supports small farms in the process. Use code COOKWME-NM5DMZ for 25% off.

  • the app to save #5SmartReads to read later

  • the notebook that has changed my life (see how I use it here and here). Get 15% off with code HITHA15.

  • the marriage check-in my husband and I do every single week

  • my favorite workout - and why. Use code G37YVV for $100 in accessories (spin shoes, weights, headphones - oh my!). You can also follow me on the app (I’m hithaonthegogo) to see what workouts I’m doing.

  • Small Packages (one of my portfolio companies) is the curated gift box company I’m always talking about - get 15% off your order with the code HITHA

  • my ultimate kitchen essential (and one of my portfolio companies)

The Top 5

The Catch Up







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