issue #27 - the one with all the feelings

There are sad and scared feelings about the 9/11 anniversary and the general state of the world.

There are proud feelings about the most successful Sundara fundraiser to date! (We’re so close to reaching our goal - if you’d like to support, we’d would appreciate it!). I’m equally proud of two sponsored projects that went live this week - the motherhood mantra that keeps me going, and how I evaluate a potential investment.

There are really good feelings about doing more public speaking (I’ll be joining Bad On Paper at their Philly live show, and speaking at FearlessConThe Riveter Summit and the Slashie Summit). Tickets are available for everything - but not for long!

There are aches from carrying my poor teething baby all morning (in the best baby carrier ever).

And there’s the blissful tiredness I feel every night as I climb into bed. I feel lucky to be able to live my life on my own terms, and I’m going to work my tail off to make sure every woman has this opportunity as well.

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If this is your first e-mail from me, welcome! In addition to writing the book How To Pack, I'm an entrepreneur and angel investor, an avid reader, and a mom of two boys (a 4 year old and a 4 month old).

Every Saturday, I share the 20 best reads from the Internet (culled from the daily shares on my Instagram), the books I've read that week, and things I'm generally loving at the moment. You can join the conversation on all these articles - and more! - in my Facebook group.

Looking for my packing list template? Here you go!

#ThingsILove This Week

What I read this week:

  • Where’d You Go, Bernadette? - I thought I had finished this book, but I didn’t and I finally did and it was just perfect. I empathized with Bernadette’s views on Seattle wholeheartedly, and it’s one of the most cleverly written books I’ve ever read. This was a light read, but a smart and thoughtful one too. I loved it.

  • The Only Plane In The Sky - 9/11 is not the easiest subject to write about, but this book just flows spectacularly and is impossible to put down. Despite the dark subject matter, it feels like you’re in an episode of The West Wing - except you have a front row seat to history on one of the darkest days of our nation. Easily one of the best books I’ve read this year.

  • Pride and Prejudice and Other Flavors - This is an ambitious retelling of Pride And Prejudice that flips the script a bit (the woman is proud, the man prejudiced, interracial relationships abound). The writing falls flat (with the exception of the food - the food descriptions are delicious and the reason I ordered paneer makhani yesterday), but the story is engaging enough that I’m going to see it all the way through. It’s a decent brain candy book, but not a must-read.

Current book reviews here, every book I’ve read this year, and all my Amazon favorites.

Hitha’s Favorite Things

The Top 5

The Catch Up







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