issue #25 - the one with fall on the horizon

Rho’s back in school in a week. Rhaki’s got a music class starting this fall.

And once the Sundara gala is over (get your tickets here!), my life goes back to normal. Normal-ish.

If this is your first e-mail from me, welcome! In addition to writing the book How To Pack, I'm an entrepreneur and angel investor, an avid reader, and a mom of two boys (a 4 year old and a 3 month old).

Every Saturday, I share the 25 best reads from the Internet (culled from the daily shares on my Instagram), the books I've read that week, and things I'm generally loving at the moment. You can join the conversation on all these articles - and more! - in my Facebook group.

Looking for my packing list template? Here you go!

#ThingsILove This Week

What I read this week:

  • When Women Ruled The World - I’d love to have dinner with Kara Cooney, the author of this book. She brings the women pharaohs of Egypt ALIVE, while providing necessary (and highly opinionated) commentary on women and power today and in other historical times. This is definitely a book for history lovers, but Cooney writes in such a compelling way that you can’t put the book down. If I lived in LA, I’d be auditing one of her classes in UCLA in a heartbeat.

  • The Gifted School (gifted from Penguin Random House) - this book received a lot of acclaim, and I see why. It’s got all the hallmarks of a juicy summer read - ambitious parents, the competitiveness of a new school, very real and deeply flawed characters. I think the book hit too close to home for me (I babysat for a lot of families like this book in high school - in Colorado, no less) and it all felt uncomfortably familiar. It’s a very good book - strong writing, a solid pace throughout, excellent character development.

Current book reviewshere,every bookI’ve read this year, and all myAmazon favorites.

The Top 5

The Catch Up







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