issue #132 - the one entering a new phase

This is my preferred spot to work from these days - well, one of them.

Once the boys are in school and our home is quiet, I like to set up my work station for the day at our kitchen table - I open up my laptop and notebook, put on my Felix Grays, do a quick scan of my calendar and make sure the schedule feels aligned with how I’m feeling, and get working on my high impact work.

By the afternoon, I move to a couch to catch up on e-mails and take care of any administrative or tactical work. I prefer to take calls at my new standing desk (which conveniently is on wheels, so I can move it to the place with the best light and somewhat styled backdrop). And some days, I pack up my work bag the night before and head to The Wing after dropping off the kids at school, just for a change of scenery.

I made magic happen in my old office nook, which I’ve turned over to my husband. I closed a major licensing deal, wrote and promoted a book, delivered my first keynote speech, and did a whole lot more speaking and moderating from that nook.

So why would I give it up?

I’m still running Rhoshan Pharmaceuticals and #5SmartReads. I’m still speaking and moderating. I’m still writing (currently working on a children’s book, which is so much harder than writing nonfiction for me).

The titles remain, but the work is changing - our lead product is under active development and actively managed by my incredible team at Rhoshan Pharmaceuticals, while I focus on managing the relationship with our partner. Most of my speaking engagements have been in-person and required travel, and this stretch wraps this week at the Mom 2.0 Summit and the WNORTH Summit. I still have plenty of calls and writing blocks and e-mails to answer, but the intensity and urgency has eased up.

And as the work has changed, so have the spaces where I can do my best work. Instead of my private little nook that gave me the quiet and lack of interruptions I needed, I work from spaces that prioritize comfort and ease (qualities I want more of in this next chapter).

And it’s led to a rough draft I’m not hating, more in-depth #5SmartReads, and more time integrating work and family time. I very much enjoy Rhaki snuggling up next to me to watch an episode of Paw Patrol while I triage my inboxes, to pick up Rho after school on a regular basis, and to create without a deadline or agenda (and I am very aware of what a privilege this is, and am so grateful for it).

The past 2 years upended how we used to work, but have also felt like a 700+ day that’s stretched on without end. Sometimes a little change - even if it’s from a table to a couch - can provide a change of pace or perspective.

Or just offer comfort. Because we all could use some of that.

Things to treat the women in your life to (or yourself!)

  • My books! How To Pack and We’re Speaking are books that make for excellent gifts, and I selfishly encourage you to have a few copies on hand for last minute gifting.

  • Brightland’s LAVISH capsule contains two of my favorite products - their ALIVE olive oil and their Kauai wildflower honey - along with a pretty tea towel that is always appreciated*

  • I never take off my Haverhill pieces (a birthstone necklace, a birthstone and initial bracelet honoring my sons, and a new multi-gemstone bracelet honoring my books and Rhoshan Pharmaceuticals). You can get 15% off your order with code HITHA15.

  • I’m a broken record about how much I love my Nesara kaftans - I live in them from late spring to early fall, and they are the Goldilocks of dresses (fit a fairly large range in their single size, super soft, beautiful colors and prints). Code hitha gets you $10 off your order.

  • I enjoy my morning coffee and daily tea out of this pretty mug from Royal Albert x Miranda Kerr. It’s a moment of beautiful comfort that I can use in my usually chaotic days, and it makes me happy enough to mention it here as something that brings me joy. I was definitely influenced by TINX on this purchase. Code FRIEND gets you 30% off.

  • Small Packages always delivers (literally) with perfectly curated gift boxes for the good and the not-so-good moments we all face. Whether it’s an upcoming holiday or a hard time, these boxes will make any recipient feel more loved with the carefully selected box and a hand-written note*

  • This USB chargeable lighter is one of the best things I’ve bought for my mom (and myself) - pair it with a Hotel Lobby Candle (I love Signature, Linen, and their newest scent Spa).

Companies denoted by * are ones I have invested in.

What I Read This Week

  • On Rotation by Shirlene Obuobi (out June 21) - I can’t even find a comparable title to this book because it’s so special and naming comps would, I feel, diminish such a uniquely phenomenal book. And to think Shirlene wrote it while in her medical fellowship and juggling a side career as an illustrator…I stan this multi-hyphenated queen. On Rotation has some early Grey’s Anatomy energy (think season 1) with a strong multicultural storyline (reminds me Annika Sharma and Jane Igharo), wrapped up with beautiful writing and a story I’m still thinking about. I loved this book. LOVED. And I cannot wait to see what Shirlene writes next.

  • Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez (audiobook) - I read an advance copy of Jimenez’s latest and absolutely adored it. And when I found out Julia Whelan narrated the audiobook, I had to purchase it immediately to savor the story all over again. Julia is a voice actor whose books I purchase specifically because of how she brings them alive, and I’m adding Zachary Webber to that category as well (he narrated Jimenez’s other books and I loved his performance in The Happily Ever After Playlist). However you read this book, just read it. Jimenez magically weaves together hard issues into the loveliest love stories that will leave you gasping and wanting more.

What Qudsiya Read

  • Just Human: The Quest for Disability Wisdom, Respect, and Inclusion by Arielle Silverman - Arielle Silverman is a thoughtful and brilliant light in the disability community. I was honored and privileged that she agreed to be our very first guest on Down to the Struts. Her memoir, released in 2021, is rich, vulnerable, and complete with anecdotes artfully woven into sound empirical research about the disability experience. I highly recommend sharing this book with everyone in your life, so they can join the ranks of “the wise.” Also check out Arielle’s encore appearance on my podcast to talk about the new memoir.

Top #5SmartReads of the Week

The rest of the week’s reads (and conversations!) are below:

Your Questions about Hitha in College, Answered (by Melody Feldman)

What’s the craziest thing she did in college?In an act of rebellion, she was briefly an active member of the UW College Republicans.

Hitha would like me to inform you that Elizabeth Warren was also once a Republican.

I also jumped into Drumheller Fountain right after it had been cleaned and refilled on one of these Thursday nights with a very motley crew of people - in my mind, it’s the craziest thing I did in college.

Best/worst thing about her?Best thing: there’s so many good things but one of my favorites is she’s a really conscious and caring person- if you’re her friend she’ll remember unique details about you, go out of her way to include you and your whole family in her life.

Worst thing: for me it’s that she lives all the way in NYC. Also she can over-schedule herself.

Best/funniest late-night Hitha story!Full stop- we’re old now and all the stories blend together but I do have lots! Fellow UW alums remember the notorious Tommy’s with it’s strong drinks, karaoke and perennially sticky floor (so gross to think about now). One night after drinking and singing our little hearts out we went to Pita Pit for late night food (shoutout to late night ave eats). We’re ready to order, there’s probably twenty people behind us, and Hitha turns around and shouts “Pitas for everyone!” Everyone cheers! JoAnna and I shushed her ad tried to order quickly before the whole restaurant rioted when they didn’t get their free food. 

How did you meet?I think you should inform your followers how we met when a dorm room was raided and you weren’t drinking because you were studying!

Embarrassing but true.

What surprises you most and least about how Hitha and least about how Hitha has grown since college?Least: She’s so multi-hyphenated and successful at everything she’s committed to. Hitha was always amazing at everything she did and so determined even back then.

Most: I never thought I’d see her in sweatpant jeans.

I would like to inform you that Melody did, in fact, purchase these sweatpant jeans (on super sale for $45 and size-inclusive).

Have a wonderful week, and change up where you work from (if you can!) for a new perspective.



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