​issue #13 - the issue on kitchen tools, travels, and laws

Thank goodness it’s Saturday.

Really, thank goodness.

#ThingsILove This Week

  • I dug up my time blocking cube to help me stay focused, and it’s really made a big difference. Also helping with my productivity? Focus@Will for amazing work playlists, and having a mini legal pad within reach to jot down notes at any given time. And of course, my Silk+Sonder planner.

  • Who’s still watching Grey’s Anatomy? I gave it up after Sandra Oh left, but caught up this year during my sick days and I’m fully back. Last week’s episode on sexual assault left me in tears, and I applaud them for tackling hard issues - both medical and social - in such a respectful manner.

  • I overextended myself this week, so will be laying low this weekend. I plan to live in my new maternity pajamas, feet in these slippers, slathering my legs with this magnesium cream, and drinking so. much. water.

  • What I read/am reading this week:

    • Shades Of Milk And Honey - a very clever retelling of Pride And Prejudice. Like the Lady Astronaut books, the writing isn’t the best but the story more than makes up for it. It’s pure brain candy, which is exactly what I needed.

    • Star Wars: Queen’s Shadow - I have a lot of thoughts about the Star Wars prequel trilogy, one of them being that I wanted more Padmé. This book helped satisfy that, and also got me amped for Episode IX’s release later this year.

    • Farewell To Dreams - medicine, mysterious murders, corruption, gangs, dirty cops swirl together in a small Pennsylvania town. The pacing of this book was erratic (dragged over some chapters, action-packed in others). I haven’t decided whether to continue reading the trilogy, but I quite enjoyed Farewell as a standalone book.

    • Beyond The Point - this weekend’s book, which came highly recommended by my friend Ashley. I’m looking forward to digging into it.

The Top 5

The Catch Up







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