issue #123 - the one that's back on the go

A long time ago (or just 3 1/2 years ago), I wrote a blog.

Hitha On The Go was my little corner of the Internet where I shared packing tips, travel recommendations, book reviews, easy recipes, outfits and days-in-the-life. For nearly 10 years, I published near-daily posts and got a crash course in building a business. The blog is how I became an author (How to Pack: Travel Smart for Any Trip), got comfortable being on video, and documented my life in my late twenties and early thirties.

That Hitha had no problem hopping on multiple flights a week for weeks at a time, had the energy for marathon days of meetings and dinner and drinks, and spent her weekends in New York exploring the city.

I’m in awe of younger Hitha, and grateful she did all those things when she had the energy to do so. Because 37-year old Hitha is back on the go, with near-weekly trips for the next two and a half months 🥴, and she is STRUGGLING to keep up.

Being back on the go is both deeply familiar and newly exhausting. My muscle memory for packing, getting through security, and getting settled in my hotel is strong and I don’t miss a beat on that front. But the need for more rest, prioritizing workouts and healthy meals, and downtime is new and a little unfamiliar.

I try to avoid really early flights or red-eyes. I make sure I have time to unpack, exercise, shower, and get a blowout when I land (I’m convinced that movement and a scalp massage helps mitigate jetlag). I never make plans on the first night I land somewhere. Instead of dinners and drinks, my evenings have me refilling all my tumblers with water and make a cup of tea, taking a hot shower, and crawling into bed with my Kindle as early as possible. Traveling in a pandemic is also new for me and requires its own mitigations - I wear KN95 masks when I’m on the road, test daily, and try to eat outdoors or in my hotel room as much as possible.

These rituals are absolutely necessary. In order to show up and be ready to perform (which is how I approach public speaking) as well as stay on top of work while I’m on the road, I need to do everything I can to take care of myself.

Drinking all the water and my Athletic Greens (I double up when I’m traveling). Moving every single day (I even bought a travel yoga mat, because towels aren’t cutting it for DRYP workouts). Opting for sparkling water with a squeeze of these CBD drops instead of a glass of wine.

Business travel used to mean maximizing every single second of the trip and doing the absolute most. Now, it’s about doing the most for myself so I can “show up and show out,” as my friend Rakia says.

Something unexpected did happen in these work trips. I’ve found myself again - just Hitha - not mom or wife or entrepreneur or speaker. The woman who loves nothing more than to finish reading a book over a plate of pasta, sitting at the bar. The one who soaks in a new city with a cup of coffee in her hand and sneakers on her feet. The one who gets her best ideas staring out the window, and actually writes down these ideas.

I’ve also met the Hitha I want to be - the one who knows that less is more, who respects her limits, and who still finds takeoff and landings magical and loves a room service breakfast while reading the newspaper.

Same me. Just some better boundaries.

What I Read This Week

  • A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas - ever since the first book in this series, I have been seeking out Feyre and knew there was more than met the eye. This book leaves me feeling very vindicated and extremely satisfied with the story of the eldest Archeron sister, who is so prickly and unexpected and incredible. I’ve slept far too little all week to keep reading this series, and even though it’s meant a second (sometimes third) cup of coffee most days, it’s worth it. I’m going to be so sad when I finish this series…but I also can’t wait to dive into the final book. What does one read after this series???? I’ll take any of your recommendations.

Top #5SmartReads of the Week

The rest of the week’s reads (and conversations!) are below:

Your Questions, Answered

How do you maintain your focus?I have to effectively lock myself out of distracting apps to be able to focus. I enable the Forest app on my phone so I don’t get tempted to log onto Instagram and sometimes I have to put my phone in the other room.

I also think a lot of it has to do with your own energy cycles. I know I ge try best strategic work done on morning flights (these days!) or mornings when I’ve gone to bed early and ate an early dinner. On days when I had an evening event or a marathon day, I schedule tactical or admin work that doesn’t take up as much energy that day so my brain can recharge.

My friend Rahaf's book Hustle & Float really got me thinking about my work cycles and scheduling my work around them versus forcing it at random times.

But when I have tight deadlines, I blast Meek Mill, put my phone my phone in a drawer, and make a list before I begin powering through the tasks that need to get done.

How do you make time for everything you have going on?I have a team who takes a lot off my plate so I can buckle down and focus on the things only I can do.

My amazing editorial assistants Taber Stockstill and LaToya Lewis handle a lot of the 5SR and sponsor admin work, and Gush & Grow handles all the operational work for sponsorships and speaking so I can focus on the creative work.

My PR team Skai Blue Media handles my events and bookings and even my calendar some days!

Our amazing nanny and housekeeper help hold down the fort at home, and my husband embodies Fair Play Life fully. We also have our parents who jump in with meals and watching the boys when we need.

My village is big and insanely helpful. If I didn’t have them, I couldn’t do all these things.

Best play (non musical) that you’ve ever watched? Gloria: A Life!

How to fit in fitness with toddlers and no childcare? Toddlers themselves are a workout!

I love DRYP by Soha workouts because they don’t require any equipment, can be done anywhere, and I’ve done them before with my kids climbing all over me.

Code HITHA25 gets your 25% off your first month, and she offers a 7 day free trial and has some amazing quick workouts on her IG!

Favorite beach destination with toddlers?Hyatt Maui is so family friendly and we had the best time when Rho was 2! I’ll keep you posted on how our hotel in Turks & Caicos is- I’m so excite for a warm weather trip.

9 months postpartum ready to finally exercise. Where should I start?

Start slow with walks and The Snap Back’s pelvic recovery exercise!

I really love DRYP by Soha, Melissa Wood Health, and One Peloton’s postpartum programs.

What company do you use for vitamins? Is Care/of worth it?Athletic Greens! And I’m anemic so I also take Natalist’s iron supplement.

If you’d like to try AG, this link will get you 5 travel packs and a year’s supply of Vitamin D!

How are you handling the frustrating back-and-forth news on <5 vaccines?

I think working in the pharmaceutical industry prepared me for it, in all honesty. Every life sciences company had dealt with frustrating back and forth with the FDA.

It is what it is, and while I wish things were different, the FDA’s commitment to safety and efficacy is strong and I can’t argue with that.

Have a wonderful weekend!



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