#5SmartReads- May 20, 2022

Madison on concerning advancements in tech, states cutting back food stamps, and all about Chili Crisp

Madison Clark is a woman who believes, first and foremost, that abortion is healthcare, abortion is a human right, and all people should have easy, cheap, safe access to abortion at any point and for any reason. She donates monthly to multiple abortion funds and recommends you do the same; you can find a fund to contribute to by visiting abortionfunds.org.

Technological “advances” like these are highly concerning. Without more women and nonbinary people in tech spaces, building new tools from the ground up, these types of life-threatening repercussions will continue to be “surprising” and only dealt with as an afterthought, rather than thoroughly addressed during the design and testing processes.

*Gifted NYT article*

Brandon Kyle Goodman is an absolute gem of a human. This feature of his work with Big Mouth is just a small glimpse into the combination of joy and genius that he brings to all of his work. He is the voice of a bisexual lovebug in this animated sitcom, but he’s a Black, nonbinary, queer lovebug in real life. I religiously watch his Instagram stories every Monday - for the latest installation of the stupendously sex-positive safe space that is Messy Mondays, of course - and I hope this profile serves as your entry into the beautiful BKG universe.

I returned to this April 2022 article this week because of the economic news currently filling headlines: inflation’s leveling off, but prices continue to rise for daily consumer items. As someone who relied on food stamps while working full-time as a teaching fellow, I know how critical this infrastructure is for thousands upon thousands of people. It simply breaks my heart when bottom lines are used as excuses for reducing, restricting, and/or ending the already limited social infrastructure in the U.S.

Truly, the United States is failing queer youth in nearly every single way. Considering the ongoing increase in anti-trans legislation, the dismal future of marriage equality considering the impending overturning of Roe v Wade, the mental health systems that are in absolute shambles - I’m devastated to see these statistics and I’m also entirely unsurprised.

With so many disasters happening daily, all around the globe, I’m finding myself turning more and more to the small acts that are in my control: doing dishes, wiping down counters, folding clothes within a day of finishing laundry, and cooking. Chili crisp has become an absolute staple in my pantry, and one I put on everything from pasta to eggs to microwave quesadillas (blasphemous, I know, but so good). I recommend both reading this profile of how Jing Gao is working to “shift culture through taste” and purchasing a jar of the Sichuan Chili Crisp as well as the Chili Pepper Oil.


or to participate.