#5SmartReads - March 22, 2022

Hitha on the SCOTUS hearings, ectopic pregnancies, and hobbies

Whenever I have a question about the justice system, I ask my friend Lisa about it. (I also ask where she got the Eagles gear her daughter and husband are wearing in her IG Story, because…well, me).

I digress. With Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson’s Senate hearings this week, I' immediately sought Lisa’s thoughtful analysis on what we can expect as the first Black woman nominee is questioning by the Judiciary committee.

Partisan attacks are to be expected as they are in nearly every single hearing we’ve had in modern history. Lisa predicts what we can expect to hear, and how they will be handled by Brown Jackson and the White House.

I hope history is made and this stellar candidate is confirmed to the highest court in our country, and I know that it’s going to get ugly in the process.

It’s not just because Bridgerton’s screen adaption is spectacular (it is) or the diversity warms my heart (it does) or that I need an excuse to prepare a Indo-British feast and outfits to go with it (I don’t).

My excitement for the season season of Bridgerton is because of all these things. But more so, it’s seeing my culture represented and CELEBRATED on a show that so many people are obsessed with.

And that the actresses themselves are so moved by it honestly makes me cry and makes me even more excited (if that’s even possible).

I loved The Juggernaut’s interview with Charithra Chandran, which has made me a forever fan of this talented actress (who spills just enough spoiler-free tea on the upcoming season).

Bear with me until next Tuesday, when I will finally be able to watch the entire season the way it’s meant to be enjoyed - with chai and Lady Grey tea, samosas and cucumber sandwiches, and my Phenomenal sweatshirt with a Nesara kaftan.

trigger warning - pregnancy loss, complications, ectopic pregnancies

It’s not as if these laws are written with women’s reproductive health in mind, in any way. They’re written to control women, and this control will result in senseless deaths, especially for women of color.

Ectopic pregnancies, by their very nature, are NOT VIABLE. There is no way a blastocyst that implants anywhere outside of the womb can result in a viable pregnancy, and denying birthing people the lifesaving care to remove this clump of cells will kill them.

Dr. Jen Gunter does a much better job than I could to sciencesplain this abhorrent bill, and its impact.

What are your hobbies?

I shared how I’m rediscovering my creativity (with no agenda) in last weekend’s newsletter, but I would love to hear about you.

Do you have hobbies that bring you joy? Grace shared hers in the post, and the comments of this post has so many amazing ideas - joining a knitting circle, disconnection day (I LOVE this idea), homework hobbies - that I’m finding so much inspiration in.

For my New York folks - if I were to host a BYOC (bring your own craft) evening where folks bring a craft project to work on in a fun group setting (I’d ask every attendee be fully vaccinated and to do a rapid test the day of the event), would you be interested? Let me know!

trigger warning - murder, mass rape, arson


I know that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rightfully gripped our attention, but I hope we use this outrage to focus on other wars that have been happening around the world, and the genocide against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar is one that deserves our attention and outrage.

Recognizing this as a genocide is the first step. I hope we see Western governments begin to act with the same severity against Myanmar’s military as we’ve seen them do with Russian oligarchs and leaders.


or to participate.