#5SmartReads - June 20, 2022

Shibani on Captain Cook's fall and what we can learn from it, how Indian weddings are going green, and the perfect food

Shibani's summer plans include laying out by the pool and doing some serious damage to her very large TBR pile. Follow her on Instagram for book reviews, pictures of her tiny backyard garden, Harry Styles swooning, her 2 adorable rescue pups, and more.

This is a long read, and worth your time. It’s the story of Captain Cook, and the fall of his myth. And alongside, the history of colonialism and racism and how Hawaii became a part of the United States.

Reptiles aren't fuzzy or necessarily always even cute, but they are a vital part of our ecosystem. Unfortunately, they don't get quite the same attention when it comes to conservation. You probably haven't thought about a snake or a lizard in a while (unless you've encountered one recently), so here's a status update.

More often than not, I get sad when I think about what we’re doing to our planet. And every now and then I see a story like this and it makes me smile. Trees are important, even more important when climate change is resulting in record temperatures. The searing heat disproportionately affects poorer communities, and trees are one part of the solution.

I used to “not get” Disney adults, but after 2 years of pandy, I’ve firmly adopted the “love what you love without guilt/shame” attitude. I love Star Wars & the Marvel franchise (movies not comic books) but I’m still not big on the Mouse or most of the other movies. Aisha Harris talks about being a Disney adult.

Finally, as always, I like to leave you on a lighter note. Today's topic is garlic. I don't trust savory recipes that don't include garlic, and you probably shouldn't either. Cleveland hosts an annual garlic festival, and while pungent, it is incredibly delicious. It even includes garlic icecream (worth trying). Here's Alyssa Wilkinson's ode to garlic. Enjoy!


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