#5SmartReads - July 15, 2022

Olivia on healthy coping, housing prices, and nacho parenting

Today’s contributor is Olivia Howell! Olivia is the co-founder of Fresh Starts Registry, the first ever registry for anyone navigating life changes. Her background is in social media marketing, and she’s the founder of March Lion Media, which has managed social media for all sorts of companies and people for a decade. She is a single mom of two amazing boys on Long Island (born and bred!), and in her spare time, she works on the novel she’s writing, love to read about sociology and families, and collect crystals.

It's no secret that the world seems a little bit heavy right now. With everything in politics, the news, the weirdness that summer can sometimes bring...sometimes it's all just a lot. I absolutely love this list from Apartment Therapy of mental health resources by emotion. I appreciate how they break the list up by categories of emotion, because not all mental health is the same! Sometimes you're sad, and sometimes you're angry, and you may need different resources at those moments.

If you're an older millennial, as I am, you remember being in your teens, browsing the Victoria's Secret in your mall, and strutting out with your little pink bag of undies...but, the thing is...times have changed, has Victoria's Secret? Well, they tried. Sort of. I love this AdWeek piece by a fellow social media expert on what happened when Victoria's Secret tried to launch their inclusive campaign - this article digs into the why, when, and how it failed us all - especially the people who were never felt included in the first place. It seems as if our generation has moved past angel wings onto self-love, and it's time those older millennial brands get with the program a little more.

I sold my house mid-May, and the housing market seemed to have changed literally that week. So, what's the future look like for the housing market? This Forbes piece asks realtors for their outlooks - and tips for both buyers and sellers during this time. One major tip addressed in this piece - and one my own realtor suggested, was moving out before the house is even on the market. No, this isn't feasible for most people (we moved into my parents' house), but even so, cleaning out as much clutter, repainting the walls, and even putting a lot of furniture in storage is key! Potential buyers want to see the house as empty as possible, as it helps them dream about their future there. If you've been wondering whether this is a good time to buy or sell, definitely check this out for helpful advice.

One of my life goals is to finally finish and publish the rom-com novel I'm working on - so, when I saw this Buzzfeed piece by influencer journalist Stephanie McNeal, I stopped immediately to read it. What is the relationship between TikTok and authors these days? Well, for Colleen Hoover, it's everything. Check out how Colleen Hoover built a giant community and loyal following on TikTok, which ultimately did in fact lead to book sales and accolades. I do find it's helpful to get to know the authors on social media, do you?

Have you ever heard of Nacho Parenting? I first heard about it from a friend who's a stepmom, so when Today reached out for a quote from our Fresh Starts experts, I was excited to chime in. As both a child of divorce and a single parent, I'm always fascinated in theories on blended families. Nacho Kids was founded by a couple after marrying and blending their families, and now they help other families find peace while marrying two families. Nacho parenting stems from the idea that your stepchildren already have parents, and don’t need more. Your spouse’s children are simply not your responsibility, according to the philosophy. I'm curious on your thoughts here! Do you have stepchildren? Are you a stepchild? What do you think of this?


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