#5SmartReads- February 9, 2022

Lale on food as a love language, the BLM movement, and cryptocurrency

Today’s #5SmartReads is curated by a member of the #5SR team, our Editorial Assistant, Lale Cox. 

She’s a multi-hyphenate entrepreneur, social media manager, content creator, and new mom to a 2-month-old baby boy! Follow her for smart, authentic Black Girl Joy content on IG! 

I am Black. I have a Black Husband, a Black baby boy and my entire family is Black. Black Lives Matter isn’t a slogan to me or something I “believe in”, it’s my life and my existence.

However, the BLM movement gives me great pause. There seems to be no cohesive leadership, no strategic plan, or tangible goals to reach. This article is an inside look at some of the very issues that have always given me (and other Black people I know) great pause. Hopefully, this movement can develop from squabbling & mismanagement to become something real that helps legislation that will actually impact the lives of Black Americans.

When I had my baby unexpectedly early, everyone kept asking “what do you need?” or saying “let me know if you need anything!” The one thing I needed? Nothing. What I wanted? Food. Only food. My MIL once came over with baked ziti, bread, and other fixings and when I didn’t make it to Christmas dinner my gaggle of amazing Aunties packed me a mountain of containers with all the food I missed. Both times I cried.

Food is my love language.

Jasmine Guillory is easily my favorite romance writer and this essay gave me one more reason to love her because it’s her love language as well.

Enjoy and let this be motivation to send someone you love something yummy!

I do not own cryptocurrency but I am fascinated by how it works and how little it’s regulated. This article is full of the latest news in crypto and it’s a long one. Whether you’re an investor or just looking to increase your knowledge, this is a long but worth your time read.

Did you know you pay for your own renovations on most home improvement shows? And if the work isn’t completed properly or to your liking, you are left with the responsibility to fix it? I did not. As with most cautionary tales, I feel terrible for the families impacted and blessed I did not have to live this lesson to learn this lesson!

I never set New year’s resolutions. Instead, I’ve chosen to frame my goals around a word for the year. My word in 2021? Intentional. Considering I got pregnant after 21 months of trying, quit my job, launched my own business, and completed a business school program on scholarship, I would say I had a pretty intentional year.

This year’s word? Ease.

Reading this at the top of the year, helped me ease into creating a plan to continue to live the life I envision. My favorite task? Making a family mission statement.

I debated including this article because it’s so family-focused but the truth is I would have loved to read this when I was single (and I would've had more time to!) Any of the tasks can be altered to fit whatever stage of life you are in, because whatever stage of life it is, deserves your time & attention.


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