#5SmartReads - February 21, 2022

Shibani on Shamima Begum, burnout, and a true crime story

Shibani works in finance by day, and is a blogger and small business owner by night! Originally from Mumbai, India she's called Cleveland home for nearly 18 years. Follow her on Instagram for book reviews and her newest hobbies, all served up with a side of sass.

I remember hearing about this story when it happened originally. I also recall a specific conversation around grooming of young women and if it was fair to assume that if they had not claimed it themselves - was it robbing these young women of their agency? I remain interested in this story and all the questions it brings up

Everyone I know is tired. I don’t know that everyone is burnt out, but I’m pretty sure that most are questioning if they are. I question it all the time, and for better or for worse, I’m not sure I would recognize the signs even if they were staring me in the face.

The 90’s are back, and not just in fashion.

This is such a fascinating story, and a must-read, and then a must-watch for True Crime fans. I no longer lived in India in when this happened so I didn’t see this story unfurl in the media, but the Netflix special is a great watch.

I was terrified of riding e-scooters, until I overcame my fear and did it this summer and fell in love. My fear was primarily around vehicular traffic, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Cities need to do a better job of putting people ahead of cars, and allow for better access and safety to people using more eco friendly alternatives.


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