#5SmartReads - February 17, 2022

Hitha on Dr. Jessica Shephard, a growing sector of the economy, and the messy indulgence that is Love Is Blind

Petition to give profitable, growing small businesses the same respect and coverage and acclaim as companies that raise a ton of venture capital, please.

Because this is EXCELLENT news, and now is the time to make access to capital, resources, and expanding subsidies to reduce health insurance costs (the most effective near-term solution) so more people can build businesses that prioritize their safety, health, and dignity.

What this article fails to mention (and I need to dig into the census data more deeply) is the racial and economic breakdown of WHO is starting these businesses. While these headlines are positive, the breakdown is often not equitable and shows where we can improve.

Dr. Jessica Shephard blows my multi-hyphenate game out of the water - she’s a physician, the CEO of Sanctum Medical + Wellness (if you’re in Dallas, you MUST go), and an on-air expert.

She’s also the most incredible human (thank you for hosting an incredible book event, Jessica!).

Health and wellness is often the last thing on our priority list, or we hold onto these limiting beliefs that being healthy is an all-or-nothing effort. Shepard’s advice is attainable and also affirming (meditation, regular DRYP workouts and walks, and starting my day with Athletic Greens).

It’s not what you do perfectly some days. It’s what you do every single day, and no action is too small.

Despite its attempts, there’s not much just about our justice system. And that’s only based on my limited knowledge.

I didn’t know much about compassionate release, if I’m being honest - who can qualify for it, how it’s granted, the commission that oversees it and the delays (due to COVID and partisanship in nominating enough commissioners to run it).

The First Step Act was supposed to facilitate compassionate release for all who qualify, but COVID and partisan obstruction has prevented thousands of people who are incarcerated and qualify to be released under the program.

And now to a mess of another kind - Love Is Blind is back, and I for one am THRILLED about it.

The first season was so novel and unique that I watched it with my full attention, waiting to see what happens next. With season 2, everyone (the participants and the audience) is more familiar with the format, so the things the daters say hit cheesier more cringey.

But in the best way.

Here’s a spoiler-free piece on why the messiness that is this show is absolutely spectacular television, which I hope you join me in watching. The next episodes drop tomorrow!

Is it weird to respect a virus? Because I have to say, SARS-CoV-2 is an extremely clever one that has managed to join its cousins (we have 4 known coronaviruses considered endemic) as one we will live with from here on out.

In any case, for the “what does life look like with COVID?”, I give you this very smart piece.

I hope for the slide into endemicity, and am mentally preparing for the worst (variants that have the severity or more than Delta and the transmission or more of Omicron or antibody exploitation).

Only time - and our actions - will tell.


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