#5SmartReads - December 14, 2022

Hitha on nuclear fusion, injustice in Iran, and the gift of Dav Pilkey

This is a big freaking deal!

Nuclear fusion - a way to produce energy without carbon emissions - has been the subject of thousands of scientists diligent work over decades and millions of research dollars invested. And while we have a ways to go to scale this technology to power entire communities, it is such an important first step.

If you’re feeling a little confused about this technology, just remember Tony Stark’s ARC reactor from the Marvel films. That’s a very simplistic analogy, but that’s the potential application from this technology.

I hope to see traditional and emerging energy companies invest in helping scale this technology, given the resources they have in terms of capital, scientists, and the infrastructure to scale energy production.

And I hope to see this become a commercial reality in my lifetime.

Amy’s analysis and reporting of the fashion world is top notch, and her newsletter is very worth the subscription. Go subscribe after you get through today’s smart reads.

The Kardashians have been dominating cultural headlines since the premiere of Keeping Up With The Kardashians in 2007. Whether you love them or loathe them or ignore them, you likely know who they are (and the businesses they’ve co-founded, the names of their kids). And if you’re me, you are fascinated by Kris and Kris alone (I’ll spare you the time I saw her in Bergdorf’s and literally stopped in my tracks and made a fool of myself - except that’s the story).

The Kardashians have a Trump-level Teflon coating that has left them standing despite negative press and family turmoil, moments of financial fraud (remember their ill-fated credit card and Kim’s recent crypto charge?), and moments of poor judgement. But the recent headlines centered on the family - Ye’s rampant antisemitism, Kim’s wearing of the Marilyn dress (and documenting an incredibly unhealthy journey to fit into said dress), her Balenciaga statement - feels different. Amy does a phenomenal job of summarizing the past 15 years of the Kardashian experience, and how social users preferences have changed amidst how the Kardashians have built their brand.

This is such a smart read - and a long one. Grab a cup of something delicious and tuck in with this piece.

I get that the news climate is extremely noisy and there’s a lot happening. But please don’t take your eyes from what the Islamic Republic is doing in Iran.

They are murderers protestors who dare stand up to the Republic by hanging. And while Majidreza Rahnavard’s execution was reported, at least a dozen have been sentenced to death after their “trial”, nearly 500 people have been killed since the demonstrations began, and over 18,000 have been detained by the Islamic Republic.

The sham trial that sentenced Rahnavard to death by hanging is tragically the norm under the Islamic Republic - the defendants are unable to choose their lawyer or see the evidence collected against them. His charge? “Moharebeh”, or waging war against God.

What the Qur’an says is not what the Islamic Republic is defending. Period. Please keep some of your attention focused on what’s happening in Iran. For the sake of their people seeking freedom, for human rights, and for the right for people to simply live.

Dav Pilkey isn’t just a rockstar in terms of publishing - he’s also a rockstar in our home.

All of his series - Captain Underpants, Dog Man, Cat Kids Comic Club - are books that my son re-reads with as much joy as the first read. I won’t lie - I enjoy reading them during our bedtime routine as well.

Dav’s own journey with dyslexia and hyperactivity disorder (he was diagnosed with them at 8, before the term ADHD was even coined) is a big part of how he writes his characters, and the gift of visibility he offers to millions of kids is a tremendous one.

At least when these books aren’t being banned.

I really loved this interview with Dav, and this quote in particular:

“There will be kids who will have posters they hold up that say that they’ve “got dyslexia like Dav,” or they’ll tell me proudly that they have ADHD. I don’t call it Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I call it Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Delightfulness. I want kids to know that there’s nothing wrong with you. You just think differently, and that’s a good thing. It’s good to think differently. This world needs people who think differently; it’s your superpower.”

For my fellow parents of Pilkey fans - check out his online Comic Club! It may save you over the holiday break (I suspect it will be our savior).

In rare happy news, I will leave you with this heartwarming story.

Six year old Madeline wrote the Los Angeles Department of Animal Care a letter, asking if she could get approval for a unicorn to live in her backyard.

The response from the department? Absolutely perfect and heartwarming.

Just go and read it, and share it because we all could use some good news.


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