#5SmartReads - August 19, 2022

Shibani on the continuing impact of nursing shortages, the return of Guru Jagat, and building community amidst a pandemic

A transplant from Mumbai India, Shibani lives in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband and two dogs. She's an avid reader and has read over 100 books this year. You can find her reviews on Instagram.

You heard about nursing shortages all over the news during peak COVID, but the problem hasn't gone away, nor is going away anytime soon. Staffing shortages at hospitals — from nurses to physicians to medical laboratory technicians — existed before SARS-CoV-2, the result of both aging in the health care workforce and an aging population at large that is driving up demand for care. As of July 22, hospitals in nearly 40 states reported critical staffing shortages, while hospitals in all 50 states said they expected to within a week.

We're getting ready for the U.S. Open, but I want to take a step back and re-examine Wimbledon for a moment, particularly it's all-white dress code. It may seem innocuous, but the code has an impact, disproportionately for women. Here's how.

I’m a big fan of the Scamfluencers podcast by Scaachi Koul and Sarah Hagi, and in a recent episode they covered Guru Jagat. This is a story of the dark parts of spirituality with a side of cult and appropriation.

I started researching the Roma population as I caught up on the most recent season of Peaky Blinders. I know that large segments of the population were lost during WW2 in mass genocides, but I know very little else. Unfortunately many do not identify themselves openly as Romani because of racism and persecution, but there are approximately 1 million Romani-Americans! This is a story about their efforts to create their community and celebrate their cultural heritage.

As always, I like to end my Smart Reads with something light and fun, and today is no exception. I’m certain I’m not alone in feeling like the past 2 years have been a blur. I’m also certain you’ve forgotten a lot of the food trends of the past 2 years. Remember banana bread and dalgona coffee and the yeast and flour shortage? Here’s a reminder of everything you may have forgotten.


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