#5SmartReads - August 1, 2022

Olivia on an ease of solo parenting, disabled people's representation and drowning risk reducers

Today’s guest contributor is Olivia Howell, the co-founder of Fresh Starts Registry, the first ever registry for anyone navigating life changes. Her background is in social media marketing, and she’s the founder of March Lion Media, which has managed social media for all sorts of companies and people for a decade. She’s a single mom of two amazing boys on Long Island (born and bred!), and in her spare time, she works on writing a novel, loves to read about sociology and families, and collects crystals.

Have you ever bought a Cameo video? When Cameo first came out, I was obsessed with looking at the various prices the celebrities were - it was fascinating to me from a marketing perspective! In my family, we buy Cameos for people instead of gifts sometimes, as they're personalized, unique and don't take up space! When we were launching a product a few years back, we contemplated paying for Cameos we could use in our marketing - however, many celebs don't allow for this use! I found this piece very interesting - a deeper look at how Cameo actually does (or does not) make fan engagement accessible to their audience. Why do celebs go on Cameo? What do they get out of it (besides money). Some celebs, like @busyphilipps, often reserve their Cameos for raising money for charities - which I happen to love. What celebrity would you love to get a personalized Cameo from?

As a proud single-mom, I'm always drawn to articles celebrating single parents - and I loved this Insider piece highlighting women who separated during the pandemic and had to single or solo parent. As someone who solo-parented during the pandemic, I was really proud of the way I handled it and it was really empowering to make the decisions I needed to in order to keep me and my kids safe during the chaotic times.

So often we look at single parenting in a comparative way, like it's easier or harder than having a partner, but it's just a different ball-game, totally!

If you ask me for any parenting advice, my number one piece of advice is watch your kids like a hawk anytime they're anywhere near a pool. A fellow writer friend of mine published this piece and I had to share it.

Did you know drowning is the leading cause of death in children ages one to four, and the second for ages one to 14? It's true, and it does happen. This summer alone, my sons and I have been to many pool parties and saw a handful of children nearly drown, while lifeguards were sitting right there. I can't emphasize enough that you need to put your phone away, put your drink away, and never walk away from your kids in the pool. It takes 30 seconds for a kid to drown.

I'll get off my soapbox now, but read this piece!

I'm a huge fan of Selma Blair and I've been following her journey in the media, especially when it pertains to her motherhood story and her storytelling surrounding her multiple sclerosis diagnosis. I absolutely loved this article by Selma about storytelling and why it's so important to include the disability community in the larger media picture.

As someone who sometimes felt on the outside of things, whether as a child with a congenital heart defect, or as a child of divorce or a solo mom, I am a firm believer in Selma's message of building a world in which everyone sees themselves represented in media. Especially, as a parent, I want to build a world in which all of our children see something of themselves in someone else in movies, television, and books - so they never feel alone or on the outside.

Would you ever throw a divorce party? My answer is heck yeah! As the founder of Fresh Starts Registry, we're all about celebrating hard things and brave decisions - and a divorce is actually a reason to celebrate! Making the brave decision to change your life is a reason to celebrate. I love this interview with divorce journalist @ilyssapanitz and@karafranciscoaching, who is a Fresh Starts Expert, and a divorce lawyer turned divorce coach. She helps people navigate divorce so they don't feel alone (think: divorce doula). I love this interview, because Kara has been divorced herself, so she knows how it feels from the inside. Have you ever been to a divorce party? I didn't have one myself, but maybe I should have a belated one?


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