#5SmartReads- April 8, 2022

Shibani on forgetting, multilevel marketing tea shops, and social distancing

A transplant from Mumbai, India, Shibani has lived in Cleveland, Ohio for the past 18 years. She loves Star Wars, Harry Styles, growing her own flowers and reads over 100 books a year.

If you feel like you can't remember anything, you are not alone. And there's a scientific reason for it.

Does kindness even stand a chance when state legislators are trying to pass their own version of the "Don't Say Gay" bill in Ohio?

Learning about inclusion never ends. I love this piece about the intersection of fashion, body diversity and the nuance of inclusion.

I’ve known about this for sometime and now I’m suspicious of all new coffee and tea shops!

There are so many reasons why people can't or won't return to pre-2020 activities or habits, here's one set of perspectives.


or to participate.